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Tattoo Needle Storage


This way of storing needles is the best way I've found, so far. Since I may choose 1-3 needles per procedure, it takes time to select needles and return them to the box if I don't use them.

My cabinet stays organized for about 6 months and then I find needles I didn't use loose on the shelves and need to do some organizing. 

Right now I sort by vendor and find that is most useful when reaching for my favorites.


To your PMU success,

PMU Artist & Needle Specialist
Inside Needle Knowledge

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Liner Shader Guide

This chart helps you pay attention to your hand speed, machine speed, and hand movements when using liners for a liner effect and shaders for a shaded effect.

It also shows how you can use:

  • Liners for a shaded effect 
  • Shaders for a liner effect

A great go-to chart is just the beginning!